Title: What is Peer Editing?
Title: Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial
Link: coming soon
To me the video with the elementary kids displayed the perfect message of how letting peers grade each others papers can turn into a mess. They had every situation from kids being to mean,sensitive,fast, ADD and even a little to picky. A lot of times I myself have been in these situations, every class should have to watch this video, if they are going to peer grade. When grading a peers paper its hard because you don't want to hurt any ones feelings. A lot of time people take it to personal and think that you are just tyring to pick a fight.
When I took the time to peer grade myself today I thought to myself well, I just don't want to be too mean. But if you look at the big picture you are actually helping them out a ton. On the blog that I was proof reading the student did not know how to place simple words and phrases. Also I could tell that they might have been in a hurry because a lot of words were misspelled.
Video:Technology in Special Education
Link: coming soon
In this video is shows how special ed kids used to have to be singled out. An example is a little boy who could not read as good as the other kids, so a teacher would have to single him out and take him out into the hall to be read out loud too. With the new technology that we have he is able to plug in headphones into his smart phone and the stories are read to him out loud into his head phones. This little boy not only feels normal again but he is learning and understanding. This is definitely a good idea that I could use in my own classroom to make kids feel better about themselves.
Also some kids that cannot move or speak, they can be hard to understand at times.They also do not always get what they want because of thesemisunderstanding, and it has to be frustrating to them. With our new technology they are able to type out what they are in need of or want, how much easier is that then sitting there and pointing to letters all day. To me if I were teaching special ed they would all have iPads, so it would be a nice fun experience.
Video Title: How the iPad works with Academic for Autism
link: Coming soon
I found a App on the Apple.Education Apps.com its called: How Rocket Learned to Read. This App is very brightly colored and interesting for special Ed kids and even regular age appropriate kids. This App is applying the Language Arts while the kids have fun. I would use this in my classroom as a center maybe. I would have reading centers each center would have a game or in this case a iPad where you could play but yet learn at the same time. The kids would also hence the iPad and want to jump rite in because even though they are elementary or special ed they know that a iPad if one of the hottest things out rite now, that would make them even more eager to play with it.
Title: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Author: Vicki Davis
Link: coming soon
This video shares how these middle school age looking kids were blogging and using the same software that we are using in this class. Its crazy how I am in my 3rd year of college paying for a computer class and they are doing almost the same exact thing for free in a public education system. I think that Mrs. Davis is doing a wonderful job with her students.She seems to really have a passion for letting kids teach themselves, like she said teachers don't have to know everything. I think that now days that is kind of a down fall with our teaching system, all the teachers do not want to ever be wrong, and most of the time the students could help them out they just don't want help from us.
They are learning how to us Blogger and other kinds of Software that will help them in college, when they go to apply for a job, it really will come in handy when they need it. I do believe that in this video she states that for some students paper and pen just aren't enough, some have to have sort of a hands on learning experience to excel to their full potential
"To me the video with the elementary kids displayed the perfect message of how letting peers grade each others papers can turn into a mess." This was the "message" of the video?
ReplyDelete"...a peers paper its hard because you don't want to hurt any ones feelings. A lot of time people take it to personal and think that you are just tyring to pick a fight." peer's not peers Should your primary objective be to avoid hurting feelings or helping peers to learn? If a swimmer is in trouble should I worry about their "feelings" or should I help them get out of trouble?
"...to be read out loud too." to not too Even then, your sentence is awkward. It would be better to substitue this phrase for the one I have quoted: to read to him.
"This little boy not only feels normal again " What leads you to this conclusion.
"Also some kids that cannot move or speak, they can be hard to understand at times." Awkward. Better: Some kids that cannot move or speak can be hard to understand at times.
"They also do not always get what they want because of thesemisunderstanding, and it has to be frustrating to them." these misunderstandings not thesemisunderstanding
"The kids would also hence the iPad and want to jump rite in because even though they are elementary or special ed they know that a iPad if one of the hottest things out rite now, that would make them even more eager to play with it." How many mistakes can you find in this sentence? I found 5, not counting the fact that the sentence is very awkwardly written.
"This video shares how these middle school age looking kids were blogging and using the same software that we are using in this class." What? Reread this sentence. Do you really mean shares? Do you really want to say middle school age looking kids? Rewrite.
You need help with your writing. Do you prefer going to the Writing lab or having me assign you to Richard Howell, a former EDM310 students who is willing to help current students with their writing. Make your choice and let me know. You must do one of them.
Pick me! Pick me!
ReplyDeleteI guess I will get tutored by Richard.
ReplyDeleteSure thing. You can email me directly at rph701@jagmail.southalabama.edu to set up a meeting time.
ReplyDeleteI have an easy semester, so I have tons of time.