Thursday, October 31, 2013

Blog Post #11
Ms.Cassidy's: Little Kids..Big Potential

Imagine a world were parents can monitor their child's educational progress instantly. This is the kind of learning environment that Ms. Cassidy offers her parents and students. She believes that children are never too young to begin using technology. During this video Ms. Cassidy has successfully proven that first grade is not too early to introduce children to technology. Now what do we mean by technology?  Today's technology is not the same as yesterday's technology. Yesterday's technology meant that if a first grader could successfully use a four function calculator, they would almost be considered gifted. In today's world being able to use a computer has almost become the common standard. Ms. Cassidy believes that in our ever expanding technological world, the students need to be introduced early to technology so they can keep up with the world around them.
 Although these learning programs are designed primarily for the students, they also benefit the parents because they can monitor their child's progress from anywhere. How do the parents really feel about having the child's work broadcasted on the world wide web? Until the schools implement a real online curricula or until privacy guidelines are in place, I am hesitant on using these practices in my own classroom. This does not mean that I disagree with them completely. Nine out of ten parents can say yes, but it is that one that disapproves that must be accounted for. The only major flaw or impediment I see in using the online wikis or blogs in the classroom, is privacy and legality. If 100% parent approval is not possible, I believe that maybe an in class only blog could be used instead. This would still offer the experience and feed back as the traditional blog would. I like these methods, but as a beginning new teacher it will be overwhelming enough without having to try and over come school bureaucracy. Introducing technology into the classroom is not without its benefits. One major benefit for the younger students is that the parents can monitor their children's progress online via the web. This can also benefit older students because we instructors can post assignments online that can be viewed anywhere without having to send individual emails to students. I am a firm believer when it comes to technology in the classroom and personally believe that global interface is the new generation of learning.

1 comment:

  1. "...can monitor their child's educational progress instant. " instantly, not instant

    "... yesterdays technology. Yesterdays technology..." yesterday's and Yesterday's, not what you have.

    " broad casted on the world wide web?" broadcasted, not broad casted

    I doubt you will encounter any parental objections in 2 years when you teach.

    " I am a firm believer when it comes to technology in the classroom and personally believe that global interface is the new generation of learning." The earlier part of this post raises questions about this sentence.
