Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog Post #4
Why Podcast? How do we do a podcast?

This blog is about how a first grade teacher introduced the idea of podcasting to her class. Each student was allowed to read a part of the script in their own read-aloud audio book. The teacher would make a script and then record the students reading each line. She made a book so that the students could use it to follow along while listening to their podcast. The teacher writes how she was amazed at the students because they were all engaged and ready to listen and record their voices. Podcasting is a great way to intergrade learning phonics and reading with fun and exciting new ways. The teacher then stated that the podcast was embedded onto their class blog. This truly sounds like an excited learning experience. I think we should podcast because it breaks up the monotony of reading from text book to text book. If we can show our students that they can be apart of their books by hearing their own voices in a podcast, then I believe they will be astonished and intrigued. I think that by using podcasts in the classroom the students phonemic and phonological awareness will increase rapidly.

Link: Integrating ICT into the classroom
While watching this video is makes podcasting seem like a must have in the classroom. There are so many advantages to having this tool, most teachers can record their lectures and upload them onto a class blog. If students are sick or unable to attend class they still have all of the lecture notes where they can listen and never be behind. By using the podcast learning strategy you are allowing your students to demonstrate a higher power of thinking skills. Another great thing about podcasts is that they can be listened to anytime, anywhere and are perfect for class blogs and websites. The children we will be teaching are called millennial students, meaning they were born after 1980. These students have never experience life without technology, so why should they have to while they are in school? By teaching with effective tools, such as the podcasting system, it makes learning very relatable for 21st century learners.

This blog basically shows what a podcast is. Broken down the term podcast is a cross between a broadcast and an ipod. They say that a podcast is a radio-like talk show and it may even include background music. Podcasts can be listened to on a MP3 player or a computer. Millions of people who surf the web listen to podcasts on a daily basis. It enables information to be shared sufficiently. A Podcast is a voice with music in the background. A vodcast is just like a podcast but with visuals, its basically like a slideshow.

1 comment:

  1. "is a great way to intergrade learning phonics and reading..." I think you mean integrate, not intergrade

    " apart of their books by hearing..." a part, not apart

    "...phonemic and phonological awareness ..." Big words for you!

    "While watching this video is makes podcasting seem like a must have in the classroom." Awkward. Why not this: Watching this video makes podcasting..." All you need to do is remove While and is. Of course you have to capitalize Watching.

    "There are so many advantages to having this tool, most teachers can record their lectures and upload them onto a class blog." Turn into two sentences. Replace the coma with a period. Capitalize Most.

    "...demonstrate a higher power of thinking skills." Remove the a.

    "These students have never experience life without technology, ..." experienced, not experience

    Your summary and comments are OK but your writing needs work (as you know).
