Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog Post #12

Blog Post #12 Due 11/11

Watch the Video 21st Century Learners.Think about what you have heard and seen. Don't just watch the video as a student, think about how you will use these tools as a future educator. After watching please summarize this video in two paragraphs, pointing out the tools you would most likely use in your own clssroom.

The assignment: Blog Post #12
While watching this video it makes it clear that students are starving to use technology. The kids were saying how can I be seen? How can I be heard? Using the Blogger system is the best way for kids to be heard and seen. Especially the way South has set up their blog posts. If my classroom had blogs and the University of South students commented on them, I am sure that it was encourage them to write more and proudly.  Because having a blog can bring you some what of pride in your work. You know that wherever you are, someone is out their watching your videos or reading your opinions in your blog.
Kids also do not relate to textbooks anymore. While researching I came across this table that shows that E books are easier for kids to download and own. Also its easier to keep up with just one tablet like a nook or Ipad, rather than carry 10 books around in a book bag. Now days we do not need rolling book bags, we do not need huge binders, we have laptops. The paper school days are just about over and this video pretty much somes up that kids in the 21st century cannot wait.


  1. You produce the blogs from your students and the comments will come from EDM310. Will you?

  2. Kayla,
    I agree with the message portrayed in the video you provided. There are many resources available for students and teachers to communicate and learn from using the internet. The best part is that many students in this century have the drive and desire to use today's technology to gain knowledge. I also like the graph you inserted into your blog post. I did notice a couple of grammatical errors. For instance, you used the word "their" when you should have used "there". Also, you left the letter "a" out of the word "classroom". Otherwise, this is a good post.
